About Us

Our Story:

Little Amigos began in November 2022 when parents were notified that their beloved daycare located at Trinity Lutheran Church was closing. As we valued the relationships our children had made with each other and the staff, our amazing outdoor space, and the educational focus of the school, the parents worked together to form a new non-profit and keep their community together. 

Little Amigos is now overseen by a Board of Directors composed of 6 community members, the executive director and 1 member of Trinity Lutheran Church. We work in partnership with our center director to ensure a rich and loving environment for our children, as well as fair wages and working conditions for our staff. Children and families at this facility have a history of forming strong, lasting relationships with each other and the Board of Directors is committed to keeping that tradition alive. 

Our Program:

Little Amigos Early Learning Center offers a caring, nurturing, and encouraging environment for children to grow and learn. In this safe, loving Center, children will develop physically, socially, cognitively, and emotionally. Both English and Spanish are spoken throughout the day and children are taught in both languages. Our infant and young toddler classes are primarily full immersion environments, with very little English spoken to the children, whereas our older children are taught in both English and Spanish in order to ensure clear communication with our students who are developing their own language skills. Whether learning a second language or retaining the family native language, there is great value in this exposure. While children explore and discover, play and learn, they will always be treated with warmth to create a trusting relationship among teachers, children, and families. Through stories, songs and play, children will learn the Christian values of love, kindness, and gratitude. Children who are introduced to these concepts will be able to draw on them for a lifetime.

Little Amigos Early Learning Center welcomes children and families of all faiths and does not discriminate with regard to services on the basis of race, religion, cultural heritage, political belief, national origin, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation. The Christian component of the curriculum is non-intrusive and optional for families.

Our Curriculum:

Infant Program:

We use a homegrown curriculum created each month by the teaching team to address the individual needs of this rapidly developing age group.  These curated activities aim to support the children in their social emotional, physical, language, and cognitive development.

Toddler Program:

We use the Learning Through Exploration Curriculum designed by Neighborhood Villages in partnership with Boston Public Schools and the LEGO Foundation.  Learning Through Exploration is a play-based curriculum created specifically for toddlers and their caregivers.  It offers a community-developed, anti-bias, Reggio-inspired approach to teaching.  This play-based, developmentally conscious curriculum was especially designed to provide toddlers with playful, engaging, and joyful learning experiences.  (Description provided by Neighborhood Villages.)

Preschool Program:

We have partnered with the City of Boston and Boston Public Schools to have Boston Pre-K seats available on a limited basis to eligible families.  More information about that program can be found here.  Regardless of whether your child is part of that program or not, every child in our classroom has the same opportunities available to them.  Our preschool program uses the Focus on 3s curriculum from the Boston Public Schools.  It is a curriculum that is based in play and provides children with a variety of experiences at different play centers through five units of study throughout the year (Family and Friends, The World of Color, Wind and Water, Shadows and Reflections, and Growing and Changing).  There is also a math component and a phonological awareness component with an opportunity for storytelling and story acting.  More information about this curriculum can be found here.

Puddlestompers Nature Exploration Partnership:

We are excited to have Puddlestompers come weekly to provide nature exploration opportunities to our older toddler and preschool classes.  Each class is organized around a seasonally relevant topic (ex: Grasshoppers, Fall Leaves, Winter Birds, Signs of Spring, & more!), that we will investigate through a combination of hands-on exploration, active movement, outdoor play, games, songs, crafts, and stories.  (Information provided by Puddlestompers.)